My “DOODS” Top to bottom: Murphy, Charlie, Kagney, Lucy, and Duncan

About me

I started a part-time grooming business three years ago as a hobby and stress reliever.  I specifically groom pets and do not specialize in perfect breed standard grooms. If you are interested, I live in Lancaster and groom out of my home. I also took lessons in grooming January of 2020.  By trade, my career was in education and my last position was as a school principal for 21 years. However, I retired early and now I can do the things I love!  I simply love everything dogs!

Animals, specifically dogs, have been my passion for some time now. Below is a bit of my history in working with dogs and also bettering myself as far as becoming more educated about dogs in general with both dog grooming and training. There is a lot to learn !

* Education –

        CAATP, Certified Animal Assisted Therapy Certification

            - Animal Behavior Institute

            - Certificate finalized:  Fall 2018

       Cindy’s Canine Companions Grooming School

               - January 2020

        Karen Pryor’s Academy for Animal Training and Behavior

            - beginner training

CATCH Dog Trainer School

-currently working on certification

        Professional Pet Groomers

             - COVID19 safety

        Pet Dog Hero

            -First Aid and CPR Certification

AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator

*Personal Training Classes participated in:

           - Puppy Beginning Manners class

           - Intermediate behavior class

           - Canine Good Citizen class- AKC

           - Therapy Dog class

           - Advanced behavior class

           - Tricks for Clicks class – AKC

           - Agility classes

           - Rocket Recall class

* UDS United Disabilities Service Dogs

           -  Service dog puppy raiser

           -  Volunteer service dog trainer

           - Individually obtained a service dog

           -  Public Access Certification Test

Please give me a call if you would be interested in trying my grooming service.   I have included general pricing so you are aware of what the price range will fall into if you choose to use my service(s) in the future.

I also will be happy to personally return your dog home after his/her groom, if you like. If you have things to do! Since I take my time so you will have a few hours to take care of what you need to do. Currently, since I do one dog at a time your dog will not be crated and will receive my full attention (breaks, play, hugs, etc). 

(I do have other dogs, but they remain in another area of my home while your pet is here.)

Charlie, Murphy and Duncan.  Also, United Disabilities Services foster dog Cooper.

Charlie, Murphy and Duncan. Also, United Disabilities Services foster dog Cooper.